Friday, December 27, 2019

Adhd Synthetic Medication Vs. Holistic Approach

ADHD: Synthetic Medication Vs. Holistic Approach Ashley McKnight American College of Healthcare Sciences ADHD: Synthetic Medication Vs. Holistic Approach Little Johnny was exhibiting all the signs of ADHD. His parents had school conferences with his teachers and it was agreed that his parents would get him tested. Paperwork was filled out and little Johnny was tested for ADHD. When the test came back, it was confirmed that little Johnny had ADHD. So, what now? The parents have a lot of decisions to make on how to deal with this diagnosis of their son. After speaking with little Johnny’s pediatrician, it was recommended to place little Johnny on ADHD medication. However, Johnny’s parents where not very†¦show more content†¦( The FDA has issued warnings about using stimulant medication with the risk of heart, psychiatric problems, loss of appetite, weight loss, sleep problems, irritability, and drug abuse. It is estimated that a total of 60% of children with ADHD are treated with prescription stimulants, which means, approximately three million children in our country take stimulant medication for problems with focusing. (Lakhan and Kirchgessner, 2012). Strattera, Kapvay, or Intuniv are among some of the non-stimulant medications prescribed for ADHD. Non-stimulant medications do not cause many of the side effects that stimulant mediations do. They also tend to last longer. Most of the studies that are conducted on ADHD medication is done in adults. There is not much to go on for children who take stimulant or non-stimulant medication. These medications can take a toll on a developing brain and there needs to be more studies conducted for parents to make an informed decision about medicating their child. Luckily, there are other options than medication for children with ADHD. Parents researching medication for their child with ADHD should have a high consideration for using comp lementary and alternative medicine. There are more and more parents who are asking their pediatricians about alternative ways to help their children other than the traditional stimulant medications. According to Dr. Chan at the Children’s Hospital in Boston,Show MoreRelatedIntroduction and Need of Psycopharmacology3401 Words   |  14 PagesINTRODUCTION AND NEED OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY INTRODUCTION: †¢ Psychopharmacology is the study of medications that alters the mind, emotive and psychological states and to study, prescription and appropriate use of drugs for psychiatric and neuropsychiatric conditions †¢ Psychopharmacology also studies substances with psychoactive properties and its primary focus is on the chemical interactions of these agents with various parts of CNS. †¢ These agents interact with receptors found in the central nervousRead MorePsy Evaluation Essay11057 Words   |  45 Pagesformerly homeless people in San Francisco A.are abstinence based. B.reduce costs to the cities by $1,000 per month. C.actually increase the hospitalization rates of residents D.have been shown to be cost-ineffective. ANS:B PG46 23. Using a holistic basis for measurement, which of the following is considered a standard measurement for successful treatment outcomes? A. total abstinence as the only standard B. length of time of abstinence from all psychoactive substances C. improvement that might

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The World Is Full Of Just And Unjust Moments, And Justice

Injustice The world is full of just and unjust moments, and justice is defined in so many ways. However, the one that I used is from Merriam-Webster, which seems to make more sense to me. Justice is the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments. Justice does not always make the right decision to some conflict. The reason for this can be due to social class, not being able to provide enough evidence even though he/she might be innocent. While reading Maus, the whole story was basically covered injustice. It came out as injustice because as far as I can understand of justice, having fairness for everyone if someone deserves a punishment they should be punished, and if they deserve a reward they should be rewarded, and that s what I consider justice. In Maus, the section that will be mostly covered will be from pages 82-91. On those pages, the actions provided how Jew were treated, and it looked like a country without any justice. Based on my knowledge, if the ruler is so powerful and obsessed with power the country will be mostly under injustice. They don t really care whatever they are doing is right or wrong, the target to get what they want. A brief summary of the section from the Maus is that families were removed from their properties, and relocated to a small space to live with their whole family. Jews were hung in the middle of the town and shown asShow MoreRelatedPlato’S Idea Of Civic Justice Displays A Criteria For Specialization1601 Words   |  7 PagesPlato’s idea of civic justice displays a criteria for specialization that holds each individual responsible for producing their own rendition of excellence that leads to a just life, which produces a just city, and ultimately civic justice. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Alternative Strategies free essay sample

Running head: â€Å"TYPES OF ALTERNATIVE STRATEGIES† Types of Alternative Strategies In APA Style Chikita Martin Herzing University Strategic Management Alternative Strategies There are 11 alternative strategies; forward integration which means gaining ownership or increased control over distributors and retailers, backward integration which is seeking ownership or increased control of a firm’s suppliers, horizontal integration which is seeking ownership or increased control over competitors, market penetration which is seeking increased market share for present products or services in present markets through greater marketing efforts, product development which is seeking increased sales by improving present products or services or developing new ones, related diversification which is adding new but related products or services, unrelated diversification which is adding new, unrelated products or services, retrenchment which is regrouping through cost and asset reduction to reverse declining sales and profit, divestiture which is selling a division or part of an organization, and liquidation which is selling all of a company’s assets, in part s, for their tangible worth. Integration Strategies: Forward, Backward, Horizontal Integration â€Å"There are 6 scenarios in which forward integration can be used effectively for an organization:† (David, 2011) 1. When your current distributor is too expensive, unreliable and not meeting the needs of your company. 2. When quality distributors are limited. 3. When an organization competes’ in an industry that is constantly growing and expected to stay updated which is a factor that reduces the organization’s chance to diversify if put in the position. 4. When an organization has the capital and human resources to manage the process of distributing their own products and services. 5. When the advantages of stable production is high considering the fact that the organization can predict the demand of output with forward integration. 6. When your current distributors or retailers have high profit margins which suggest that a company profitably distribute their own products and price them competitively by integrating forward. â€Å"There are 7 scenarios in which Backward Integration may be an effective strategy:† (David, 2011) 1. When an organization’s current suppliers are too expensive, unreliable, or incapable of meeting the firm’s needs for parts, components, assemblies, or raw materials. 2. When the number of suppliers is small and the number of competitors is large. 3. When an organization competes in an industry that is growing rapidly; this is a factor because integrative-type strategies reduce an organization’s ability to diversify in a declining industry. 4. When an organization has the capital and human resources to manage the process of supplying its own raw materials. 5. When the advantages of stable prices are particularly important; this is a factor because an organization can stabilize the cost of its raw materials and the association price of its product(s) through backward integration. 6. When your current suppliers have high profit margins, which suggests that the business of supplying products or services in the give industry is a worthwhile venture. 7. When an organization needs to quickly acquire a needed resource. â€Å"These 5 Guidelines indicate when Horizontal Integration may be an effective strategy:† (David, 2011) 1. When an organization can gain monopolistic characteristics in a particular area or region without being challenged by the federal government for â€Å"tending substantially† to reduce competition. 2. When an organization competes in a growing industry. 3. When increased economies of scale provide major competitive advantages. 4. When an organization has the capital and human talent needed to successfully manage an expanded organization. 5. When competitors are faltering due to a lack of managerial expertise or a need for particular resources that an organization possesses; note that horizontal integration would not be appropriate if competitors are doing poorly, because in that case overall industry sales are declining. Intensive Strategies: Market Penetration, Market Product Development â€Å"These 5 guidelines indicate when market penetration may be an especially effective strategy:† (David, 2011) 1. When current markets are not saturated with a particular product or service. 2. When the usage rate of present customers could be increased significantly. 3. When the market shares of major competitors have been declining while total industry sales have been increasing. 4. When the correlation between dollar sales and dollar marketing expenditures historically has been high. 5. When increased economies of scale provide major competitive advantages. These 6 guidelines indicate when market development may be an esp ecially effective strategy:† (David, 2011) 1. When new channels of distribution are available that are reliable; inexpensive, and of good quality. 2. When an organization is very successful at what it does. 3. When new untapped or unsaturated markets exist. 4. When an organization has the needed capital and human resources to manage expanded operations. 5. When an organization has excess production capacity. 6. When an organization’s basic industry is rapidly becoming global in scope. â€Å"These 5 guidelines indicate when product development may be an especially effective strategy to pursue. † (David, 2011) 1. When an organization has successful products that are in the maturity stage of the product life cycle; the idea here is to attract satisfied customers to try new (improved) products as a result of their positive experience with the organization’s present products or services. 2. When an organization competes in an industry that is characterized by rapid technological developments. 3. When major competitors offer better-quality products at comparable prices. 4. When an organization competes in a high-growth industry. 5. When an organization has especially strong research and development capabilities. Diversification Strategies: Related Unrelated Diversification â€Å"There are 6 guidelines for when related diversification may be an effective strategy are as follows:† (David, 2011) 1. When an organization competes in a no-growth or a slow-growth industry. 2. When adding new, but related, products would significantly enhance the sales of current products. 3. When new, but related products could be offered at highly competitive prices. 4. When new, but related products have seasonal sales levels that counterbalance an organization’s existing peaks and valleys. 5. When an organization’s products are currently in the declining stage of the product’s life cycle. 6. When an organization has a strong management team. â€Å"There are 10 guidelines for when unrelated diversification may be an especially effective strategy are as follows:† (David, 2011) 1. When revenues derived from an organization’s current products or services would increase significantly by adding the new, unrelated products. 2. When an organization competes in a highly competitive and/or no-growth industry, as indicated by low industry profit margins and returns. 3. When an organization’s present channels of distribution can be used to market the new products to current customers. 4. When the new products have countercyclical sales patterns compared to an organization’s present products. 5. When an organization’s basic industry is experiencing declining annual sales and profits. 6. When an organization has the capital and managerial talent needed to compete successfully in a new industry. 7. When an organization has the opportunity to purchase an unrelated business that is an attractive investment opportunity. 8. When there exists financial synergy between the acquired and acquiring firm. (Note that the key difference between related and unrelated diversification is that the former should be based on some commonality in markets, products, or technology, whereas the latter should be based more on profit considerations. 9. When existing markets for an organization’s present products are saturated. 10. When antitrust action could be charged against an organization that historically has concentrated on a single industry. Defensive Strategies: Retrenchment, Divestiture Liquidation â€Å"There are 5 guidelines for when Retrenchment may be an especially effective strategy to pursue are as follows:† (David, 2011) 1. When an organization has clearly distinctive competence but has failed consistently to meet its objectives and goals over time. 2. When an organization is one of the weaker competitors in a given industry. 3. When an organization is plagued by inefficiency, low profitability, poor employee morale, and pressure from stockholders to improve performance. 4. When an organization has failed to capitalize on external opportunities, minimize external threats, take advantage of internal strengths, and overcome internal weaknesses over time; that is, when the organization’s strategic managers have failed (and possibly will be replaced by more competent individuals). 5. When an organization has grown so large so quickly that major internal reorganization is needed. There are 6 guidelines for when Divestiture may be an especially effective strategy to pursue as follows:† (David, 2011) 1. When an organization has pursued a retrenchment strategy and failed to accomplish needed improv ements. 2. When a division needs more resources to be competitive than the company can provide. 3. When a division is responsible for an organization’s overall poor performance. 4. When a division is a misfit with the rest of an organization; this can result from radically different markets, customers, managers, employees, values, or needs. 5. When a large amount of cash is needed quickly and cannot be obtained reasonably from other sources. 6. When government antitrust action threatens an organization. These 3 guidelines indicate when Liquidation may be an especially effective strategy to pursue as follows:† (David, 2011) 1. When an organization has pursued both retrenchment strategy and a divestiture strategy, and neither has been successful. 2. When an organization’s only alternative is bankruptcy. Liquidation represents an orderly and planned means of obtaining the greatest possible cash for an organization’s assets. A company can legally declare bankr uptcy first and then liquidate various divisions to raise needed capital. 3. When the stockholders of a firm can minimize their losses by selling the organization’s assets. In conclusion, I choose the Liquidation Strategy because it is an example of defeat. All though, it may be better to shut the business down and sell it piece by piece then it would be to continue operating you business. In doing so, you may not only be able to pay off what you owe for starting the business, but you just might be able to have something left over to start a new business venture. This has an effect on businesses in a good and bad way. Good if a similar or related company decides to buy it and add it to what they already have going on and somehow make things better. Bad for the people who really didn’t want to close their business and lay off workers but they had no other choice. References David, Fred R. (2011). Strategic Management Concepts and Cases. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Servicescape free essay sample

Servicescape is a topic that focuses on the physical evidence of an organization. Everything from the exterior of a company to their interior and employees is an attribute of servicescape. The topic deals with the impression created by the company in the eyes of the customer walking in to the company. Whatever the customer sees is what they will perceive is the basic idea of servicescape in a company. In addition to the physical evidence, there are behaviors and internal responses to the servicescape that comes from within a customer. The internal response deals with the effect of cognition and emotion. This article gives us a great idea on how the customer perceives a company’s servicescape. It debates between what comes first to a customer cognition or emotion. Researchers have evaluated both perspectives; no definite resolution was reached because some argue that cognitive response precede before emotional and some argue the opposite where emotional state precede cognitive during their evaluation. We will write a custom essay sample on Servicescape or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The role of perception is immensely described in the article. Perception in an individual is derived from their surrounding environment, their past experiences, expectations, and motives. This perception leads them to create a picture of the company as whole stimuli. The article talks about Gestalt psychology, a term derived from German meaning whole configuration. This approach emphasizes the role of whole overall structure; it believes that perception of the whole dominates perception of its parts. It states that a customer looks beyond just one particular thing, but focuses also on the surroundings and specific aspects. This article discusses the examination of various visual components. The components within a servicescape include color, lighting, space and function, personal artifacts and plants, and layout and design. The first four being most crucial and having the most affect on the customer. The next aspect of servicescape would be auditory cues. Music being a big emotional stimulator can have great impacts on the customer. The right choice of music can be effectively used to minimize negative consequences. Along with that, it can return greater shopping time, and more enjoyed time at the place. The article then discuses more aspects of servicescape dealing with olfactory cues, which comes down to the scent used at the place to attract customers. Furthermore, the article discuses the emotional responses generated by the customers through the three dimensions in the framework, pleasure, arousal, and dominance. This brings us to our question of how do consumers evaluate servicescape, do they think first or do they feel first as they enter a servicescape? To get into the debate of which precedes first is out of the scope of this response. Both sides are presenting valuable information that can be argued diligently. There is great amount of literature in this article focusing on the cognitive and emotional states in servicescape. On the contrary, very little emphases have been placed on the customer perception and their evaluation of these settings. This article could have benefitted from examples of real customers walking into servicescape and their responses to it. The article could have looked at a servicescape through the eyes of a customer to better understand their perception. A main aspect that the research in this article came short of was that when we first form a perception of a servicescape, we are essentially processing cognitively before we even feel anything about it. This article talks more about the environmental studies and the effect of environmental stimulus on customers’ behaviors. We also learned very well that researchers should conduct more thorough researches in examining customer’s cognitive and emotional processing, so there could be more precise and accurate information in the literature of servicescape.